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Did you know that failing to lodge your tax returns and documents can result in a criminal conviction and severe penalties, whether you are an individual or a company?
If you have received a Court Attendance Notice for failure to comply with tax legislation, the consequences can be catastrophic - the penalties under the Taxation Administration Act include penalties of up to $5,500.00 for each document missed, a criminal conviction and even a jail term!
Why do you need a lawyer?
It is important to ensure that you are adequately represented by someone who is experienced with this legislation and is able to assess your individual situation to get you the best result.
How can we help?
In 2017, our office represented an individual who was served with a taxation notice when entering custody, and was charged for not complying with it. We were able to obtain comprehensive instructions, assist him in completing the tax return, and demonstrate the peculiar circumstances to the Magistrate. Our client received a fine that was less than he received from his refund!
Later in 2017, one of our business clients was sentenced for failing to lodge 23 GST returns and 12 Company tax returns over a period of 12 years, despite them instructing their accountant to do so. The company was facing in excess of $835,000.00 in fines for non-compliance. Our office was able to adduce evidence and make submissions in relation to that company's specific circumstances and as a result, the company received a penalty of only $3,000.00.
Cassandra Sweeney, heads up our crime team and is a Senior Associate in our Commercial team. With this vast knowledge, she is able to assist clients who are charged with these offences.