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Family Law
Family Law can include, from the more common events, like separation, property settlements, parenting arrangements, spousal maintenance and child support; to the less common, like emancipation, prenuptial agreements, adoption, paternity, abduction and relocation of children and reproduction rights. The legal issues surrounding these events are complex – you cannot apply one person’s solution to anyone else’s problem.
Recent changes in the law continue to redefine this area of practice. For example, definitions of what is actually a ‘family’ continues to progress and develop (i.e. redefinition of ‘marriage’), the continuing advancement of modern medicine with reproduction rights and the recent case law on a minor’s capacity to consent to major medical procedures, like gender reassignment.
Why do you need a lawyer?
In such an ever-changing field of the law, you need a Family Lawyer who really looks at your situation and works closely with you to find the best fit possible, in order for you to move on with your life.
Without a Family Lawyer, you might be stuck with Orders that are not best fitted to your situation – which could mean that you end up back at square one, fighting with the ex about the kids or the house! We have seen clients who agreed to a 10% share of the asset pool, when they were really entitled to 65%.
How can we help you?
At HNT Legal, we understand that your family law issues are unique to you and your family unit. Our approach is collaborative and effective, keeping you out of Court and minimising your costs, where we can. We know that being in the process is exhausting, especially if there are children involved. We will help you come to an agreement that is fair, practical and well suited to your situation.
If you are in Court already, rest assured that we will keep focused on your entitlements and rights, and those of your children.