HNT Legal is excited to announce that Maria Valenzuela has become a Partner of the firm.
Maria takes on this opportunity following 8 years of significant personal sacrifice, tireless commitment and outstanding client-orientated & results-based performance.
Ms Nguyen commented:
"Her addition represents a genuine show of faith and optimism for our future, especially given that it arrives in these most difficult of (co-vid affected) times.”
"I have been deeply moved by the enthusiastic response to the news from all of our senior and junior staff about her appointment. Maria is enormously popular and well respected.
Mr Hammond commented:
"Her skill-set adds significantly to the depth and breadth of the services that we are able to offer our clients."
"Those who work with her day to day understand that what she delivers to clients is the same as she offers to staff and colleagues. She is a quality person in every respect and I cannot wait to see her play a much greater role in all aspects of our operations.”
Together with the Partners and their devoted staff, HNT Legal looks forward to continuing its commitment to ongoing growth and excellence in the legal field.
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