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Planning Law
Planning Law covers a wide range of areas including town planning (legislative and strategic), environment and environmental issues, the preparation and assessment of development, access to and rezoning of land, traffic management and regulation, flora and fauna management, heritage and compulsory land acquisition and compensation.
Why do you need a lawyer?
In Planning Law matters, the case is usually one of David versus Goliath – property owners being forced out of their homes by government authorities; business owners deprived of their place of business and as a result their income; developers being told they cannot develop their site by local government councils; the Department of Planning rezoning your property as recreational instead of residential, causing potential issues for you if you want to build or sell later on down the track! You need a Planning Lawyer to be able to advise you on the legal and practical aspects of your predicament.
How can we help you?
At HNT Legal, we know each property and its uses are unique. Our legal advice is tailored to make sure the dollars reflect what your property is worth and we will make sure that you come out of the matter with what you deserve, to be able to move on.